Accessible Web Page Design Reources through the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point.
HTML Writers Guild
http://www.hwg.org126, East Olympia Ave. Suite 406
Punta Gorda, FL 33950
941-833-0129 or 941-833-0157 (Phone)
941-833-0142 (Fax)
National Center for Accessible Media for accessible media, audio description and web development.
SSB Technologies
http://www.ssbtechnologies.com1985, Mission Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
415-553-8617 (Phone)
419-831-2390 (Fax)
USABLENET (Customer Service)
508 Accessibility Suite for Dreamweaver and ultraDev
Dreamweaver and UltraDev evaluation tool allows web site to be accessibility checked much in the same way as you spell check in a word document. The extension covers Section 508 and level I W3C/WAI guidelines.
W3C Recommendation for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0
http://www.w3.orgIndustry leaders and disability organizations come together to endorse a common solution for web access.
Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), guidelines, resources to make the Web accessible to people with disabilities.
Web Accessibility Initiative by Trace Research & Development Center to cooperative efforts linked toward building a more usable Web for all.
http://www.webaim.orgProvides up-to-date information for those interested in providing accessible web pages and web content.