Disability Rights Michigan
http://www.drmich.orgAdvocates and protects the legal rights of people with disabilities.
MCDC Division on Deaf and Hard of Hearing
http://www.michigan.gov/mdcr/0,4613,7-138-58275_28545_28559-23760--,00.htmlConcentrates on helping improve the lives of Michigan's deaf and hard of hearing citizens.
Michigan Association on Higher Education and Disabilities
http://www.mi-ahead.org/links.phpProvides professional development for service providers in order to enhance opportunities and assure full inclusion in all areas of higher education.
Michigan Commission for the Blind
http://www.michigan.gov/lara/0,4601,7-154-28077_28313---,00.htmlProvides opportunity to individuals who are blind or visually impaired to achieve employability and/or function independently in society.
Michigan Department of Transportation
http://www.mdot.state.mi.usMichigan Disability Resources
http://www.michigan.gov/disabilityresourcesShows services and programs for people with disabilities offered by the State of Michigan.
Michigan Disability Rights Coalition
http://www.copower.orgWorks to build opportunities for people with disabilities so they may live fully integrated lives within their chosen communities, now and in the future.
Michigan Rehabilitation Services
http://www.michigan.gov/mdcd/0,1607,7-122-25392---,00.htmlWorks in partnership with individuals with disabilities to prepare for and obtain competitive employment, including exploring the possibilities of self-employment or owning a small business.